Once in a while you may get the urge to strip naked, run out into the middle of a 4-way intersection, and pronounce your love for frozen custard through interpretive dance. Don't worry. That is completely normal for a growing boy your age.

But you may also get the urge to play a free online game. This is definitely NOT normal. However, it is extremely popular and may be just what you need to pass the time it requires to level up your mining skill to rank four.

Now I was once a young boy like you. Growing up in this strange world. Not knowing my lefts from my rights and my penises from my vaginas but I always knew how to play Free Online Game. I've got quite a few Free Online Game under my belt. Including but not limited to: Adventure Quest, Nexustk, Domo, and last but not least GoonzuOnline.

There are a lot of upsides to Free Online Game. The most obvious reason being that they are free and a less obvious reason is that its a good way to meet new people and relieve stress. The downside is that their are tons of 'em and most of 'em suck it. Hard. Now don't get me wrong a lot of people like games that suck it. Hard. But not me. So its safe to say that you won't because you are an impressionable young boy, ripe for the picking, and willing to listen and follow anything I say.

Now I haven't covered all the different types of free online games. Only the Free Online Game ones. Now I will move on to flash games. By Flash I mean Macromedia Fash Studio Eight a wonderful little media creation device type thingy that I have very limited knowledge about; On account of my mild retardation.

One MAJOR hub of flash creations is A wonderful little site where a new flash video, game, or song is created everyday. Its a pretty good site once you are able to Identify what you want and when you want it. If you know what I mean. But you probably don't so I'm not gonna go into details but it involves 40 goats, a trampoline, and a sack of Irish potatoes.


Well, young impressionable boy, that would be because I'm lazy. But more importantly you aren't gonna find many flash games or movies that aren't on Newgrounds and if you do, you should put it on newgrounds for other people to enjoy.

Now, I've got one last game to mention and it aint a free online one. Its Eve, a massively multiplayer online game set in space. The object of this game is power, ultimate power. From dominating the completely player based market to having the most powerful mining corporation to piloting a massive Titan and obliterating the opposition. Eve has got it all and is certainly an attractive game. After my second 14 day free trial I decided it was time I get a subscription. Now I only play Free Online Game while I mine for veldspaar or level up the last skill I need to pilot my next ship.

So there you have it, Stuff!


Astrozombie said...

you misspelled artard.

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