Look at this Picture.

Look at how stupid it is. What is that? A bear? A bear with a bandage on his head? That's stupid. And childish. What is that there? A hammer-heart? How stupid. Hammers aren't like that. And neither are bears. Bears don't have tendrils. Look at his stupid ears. One of them is backwards. And whats that on his head? A sewage grate? Ugly. And what's that shit floating above him? An eye saucer? Repugnance. I hate this picture. I hope whoever drew it dies in around 80 years.

[Click to view the full thing]

Bandaged Bear


Anonymous said...

The eye saucer. It. It's peering into that poor bear's soul. The eye saucer with its creepy soul-capturing leer.

I think it's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Its a reflection of the existential crisis of mankind in today's modern society.

or its just some kid who was bored and had a pad and pencil.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
