The Darjeeling Limited

I just saw the Darjeeling Limited and I [strike]CRIED[/strike] LAUGHED. It was awesome. What's even more awesome, however, is how I watched it. On my TV connected to my Xbox 360 which is connected to my computer through a GLORIOUS wireless adapter. Its pretty sweet. You have no Idea what this means porn wise. It'll speed up production time by two fold! Oh yeah, didn't I tell you? I run a private sperm bank out of my garage. Haven't got many recipients yet...

I think its my advertising...

Yeah, thats it...

My advertising...

The Darjeeling Limited stars Owen Wilson, Adrian Brody, and a guy who looks like other Wilson, but its not. Its some guy named Scwarzman or something or other. The funny thing is that I have the IMDB page opened in a tab just to the left of this one. That's how lazy I am.

The movie starts off with some major trickery, showing you Bill Murray in an Indian Cab trying to get to his train on time. You're probably like "Ooh, Bill Murray, I loved him in OSMOSIS JONES, I hope he'll appear in this movie as a main character and actually have more than two lines!" But you'd be sadly mistaken, Bill Murray wasn't in Osmosis Jones. In fact, that movie never existed and if you talk about it ever again I'll slip into your house at night and skin your dog alive. Do you understand me? Am I going to have to cut off another one of your fingers? Because I will. I swear to god I will.

Ahem, back to The Darjeeling Limited. The movie was great. Wes Anderson's weirdness was apparent throughout and there were several moments where I was Rolling-On-the-Floor-Laughing-My-Ass-Off-Man-It-Was-So-Hilarious-I-Couldn't-Stop-Laughing-Out-Loud-I-Cried-I -was-Laughing-So-Hard-Its-Not-Even-Right-Boy-I-Wish-I-Had-Some-Bar-Be-Que-Chicken-Right
-Now-I-Could-Also-Go-For-Some-Lemon-Lime-Soft-Drink (ROFLMAOMIWSHICSLOLICIWLSHINERBIWIHSBBQCRNICAGFSLLSD). Also, like the only other Wes Anderson movie I watched(The Life Aquatic) there were moments where it was extremely depressing. There were also moments where you just cried for no reason. It was a good movie. HOWEVER COMMA, the movie is extremely quirky. Quirky as in down syndrome quirky.

Down syndrome kids are quirky right?


I'll have to google that or something...

To sum it all up, the movie was good, It was sad, It was funny, It was depressing, It was well directed, It was well acted, It was well written, It was the best of times, and it was the worst of times...

Go watch it now!


Anonymous said...

Hey. That was a neat post you made there. I read it, and was left filled with knowledge about the movie. You fill me up good. Keep on fillin'.

Anonymous said...

Your updates aren't bi-minutely enough.

Anonymous said...

This is the only thing in life that keeps me going. It needs updates. :'(

Astrozombie said...

I was just about to.. chill out.
But I probably won't.