Defeat the Mongol Horde - wikiHow

Defeat the Mongol Horde - wikiHow

How to Defeat the Mongol Horde

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Defeating the Mongol Horde is not as easy as one might think, but with this easy how-to you are a-shooin to win.


  1. First Build some walls to prevent or slow down the Mongols from entering your territory.
  2. The Mongols are tricky fellows, be sure to make sure you have account of all of your artisans and scientists as they may be captured to create siege weapons for the Mongols and then they will break into your wall.
  3. When the Mongols eventually do come into your land submit as quickly and as courteously as possible to prevent any further damage to your provinces.
  4. Wait until the Mongols get lazy and decide to settle down in your city, then spread discontent amongst the serfs and peasants.
  5. Wait some more.
  6. Wait EVEN more, remember patience is key.
  7. Hurray! The Mongols were defeated by an army of former slaves!


  • Try to be sold as a slave by the Mongols to a city in the Middle East, then rise in power and become the leader of that city and command an army of former slaves into battle against the Mongols.
  • Mongols like to feign retreat and lead their foes into traps.
  • Try to avoid listening to rumors about the Mongol horde, they are most often spread by spies trying to freak you out.
  • Mongols are scary, but remember, they aren't immortal. A few stabs with a sword and the trick should be done.


  • Mongols are excellent on horseback.
  • Beware: Mongols will come at the most inopportune of times, usually when your nation is in a state of decline.
  • Mongols have an excellent military.

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Defeat the Mongol Horde. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.


Astrozombie said...

You made this, just so everyone knows. Pretty epic post right?

Anonymous said...

Pretty epic indeed. I love myself. But I love you even more, bby.

Astrozombie said...

so funny, but now its gone forever besides on our website. Well and in 12 years, because the internet gets taken over by nazombies(nazi zombies)