The New Layout

This is the new layout, including a brand new search feature. So if you ever feel like "Hey, I really really want to read some funny article about... The Current situation in France!" You can search for it! And then figure out all of our blog posts are about the EXACT same thing, leave, spiral into dark depression, and then come back to us.

Because we'll be here to pick up the broken peices of your heart.
We'll always be here.

Besides that, I'm in Florida again, doing some writing and vacationing. Fenghar is still in the cold, and still has computer issues. He made some hilarious videos spoofing the horrible tutorial vids you see on youtube all the time. Hopefully he can get those up here.

So watch out for layout changes, they will be happening often. Also I haven't gotten the podcast to embed on here yet, but it will be.


Anonymous said...

Its so

Do you think we could add a custom done banner to the top? And maybe a links thing on the sidebar so we can link to stuff?

Astrozombie said...

yeah, just add the page element. This is a two column, and I haven't find any really appealing 3 column layouts, so nogo.
but the banner will be done