This is an Update

This is an Update that is telling you that we are going to Update.

I am currently stocking up on comics and will get that stuff up soon.

Also, Zaphod is working on a new layout... I think...

Also, I'll be writing some movie reviews soon too.

Also, this is a reminder that this is an Update telling you that we are going to Update

Also, I'm planning on doing some movie stuff soon

Also, I'm planning doing something special for new year's probably

Also, I actually wasn't planing on doing something for new year's I just thought of doing that right now in the present so it wasn't really planned but I'm totally gonna plan something and then tell you about how I'm planning something

Also, I'm planning on planning on doing something special for new year's

Also, this is a reminder that this is an Update telling you that we are going to Update reminder

Also, I might write some more of those "I haven't slept in 3 days" non sequiters

Also, I believe my computer has been infected with some ad-ware or virus of some sort but I think Kaspersky might've cleaned it up a bit but I'm not sure and this computer is really starting to piss me off that its not fixed fully, but I still am glad that I can use it

Also, this is a reminder of the reminder that this is an Update telling you that we are going to update reminder

Also, I'll probably post something special for Christmas, too.

This is an Update telling you that we are going to Update


Anonymous said...

No! This is such a pretty layout.

Anonymous said...

Its orange and orange and orange and the comment text and stuff is this really obscure green :/

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful.