Damn You Google... AKA "Zombie Haiku..s..eses.."

BLARGH! Google makes me sad... I thought this whole "Zombie Haiku*" thing would be pretty original... Unfortunately, I was wrong. But, hey that won't stop me from posting some beautiful zombie haiku's!

Infection Spreading
The rage is taking over
I must find my son

Blood drops in my eye
"Jenny, get away from me"
Gun shot; Body falls

Creepy Soldiers are
All up ons mah woman and
That girl Jenny too

Zombie on a chain
"See if they die from hunger"
Says the leader guy

Crackle underfoot
My body stiffens in fear
The Zombies hear me

Low growl in the night
Pale eyes gleam in the moonlight
A zombie attacks

Spreads like a fire
Just as unpredictable
The virus unknown

When the sun goes down
The zombies are awakened
Now its killing time

Good information
The Zombie Survival Guide
A suggested read

I am Legend; Film
Slightly different plot line
Some weird Zompires

Something out of place
Frank has moved; "NO FRANK NO NO"
Zompire plotting

Short hair, tight clothes, strong
Got an A on Zombie quiz
Knowledge is power

Stabbing no effect;
Sever the head from body
Best way to kill them

Now I've been Cornered
The mob is surrounding me
I'm out of bullets

Pretty good, eh? All of those are orignal works copyright symbol me, Fenghar the Nord. Now, why don't you guys give it a shot and write some zombie haiku's of your own. Just post them in the comments to this post. Hell, why don't we make it a contest. I'll draw a fantabulous picture for and/or dedicate a post to the winner!

*They aren't actually Haikusesessses, they are Senryu's. Haiku's are serious and have to do with nature. Senryu's are like Haiku's but are usually funny/satirical and have to do with the human condition and stuff like that... IDK, DICTIONARY.COM IT, NOOB!


Astrozombie said...

Smell the burning flesh
Taste the tangy sulfur air
...Volcano season

Mantis, green and strong
Deadly pincers razor sharp
Waiting for his chance

Eh...floating asteroid
Uh, need to buy some school supplies
Eh, you're soaking in it...

None are original... all are from space ghost