The Future

Attention: Serious post that isn't very funny coming up.

So me and Fenghar have had several in-depth discussions about the future of Slatfatf. We've been talking about what exactly we want to do with the site, where we want it to go, and how this is coinciding with our social lives and educational lives. Anyways, here are some key points:

  • blogspot/blogger is a fairly limited host that no longer fills our needs
  • our hits are fine, but they could be higher
  • we don't post as often, and by we, I mean I haven't been.
  • we don't desire to make money from this site, at least not currently, so we will still be ad free
Considering the above for a moment, we need a new way to bring great content to our readers, including sound files, videos, music, flash, java, etc. Not only that, but we also need a place that provides us with appropriate amounts of intuition and design. We also need our loyal readers to help us out, spread the joy and tell people about our site. We don't make any extra money or anything, but 40-50% of the content on ANY blog is "populated" by the commentators. So share with us your feedback and comments!
Thanks for reading this non funny post about the future. Thanks a lot.
You prick.


Anonymous said...

I lol'd.

I got plugged again on another e-friend's site. I even made a banner for it. I'm planning on setting up a nice links page whenever we decide what to do with the site.

For now, his site is located here at

Anonymous said...

Check the affiliates page for the link and the banner.

Mystic monkey said...

I was a little disapointed that this post had little to do with time travel, but it sounds like you guys have some great ideas for the future of this sight. I'll be watching them unfold.