Know What?

So if you haven't noticed, we are trying to do a lot of things with slatfatf right now, but this post isn't about slatfat, it's about me.  It's about why I haven't been posting, why I've not been delivering on all my many promises about uploading and posting every day and programming and presenting tangible results.  Well I don't have many answers, but I'll try to make up a few.

  1. I'm currently in the healthiest relationship I've ever been in, and it's really turning into something great, so I guess a lot of my time has been devoted to that (this makes Fenghar excessively uncomfortable, because I don't spend time with him anymore. Also, Fenghar is angered because I'm in a relationship with a woman instead of a man)
  2. I'm a proud member of several private torrent trackers, and thus I have been spending a lot of bandwidth (in fact, all of my bandwidth. I was warned by  my ISP about overuse/copyright infringement) on those sites, instead of uploading for slatfat.
  3. I've been very busy with school and such, I have a huge amount of writing to do, and lots of other things that I probably will not study nor ever use in my professional carreer. 
  4. I have a lot of ideas and things that I want to do, and I've actually been doing them for once.  This hinders my slatfatf time greatly, since spare moments are given to other things, like my current screenplay/comic I'm writing with Fenghar.
  5. I've been very busy not doing things on here
Yeah whatever.


Anonymous said...

I am upset that you are not with a man but I respect your decision as a friend.