
Now as a lot of you don't know, I love making pictures...
Unfortunately my picture creating skills are limited to creepy pictures created on that MS Paint-like application that comes along with your free download of Windows Live Messenger...

Of course there are a variety of tools out there to use, each tailored to a person's respective "skill-level"...
Betcha think I'm gonna go off on a review rant about different media editing applications and whatnot?
Well, I'm not...

This is about me and my creepy drawings, so you can just stuff it!
Now I want you to understand that all my pictures are original and some may be offensive...
If you find that my pictures are offensive to you in any way click the little boxed "x" in the top right of your browser window and never return to this site again because...

The first picture for your viewing pleasure is part of a series...

Ack, why is it such a pain to upload and place images in this god danged rich text editor!

Here's the second in the series...
Like I said...

This stuff can get offensive...

I know there are a lot of Bear-hate groups out there that don't appreciate seeing naked bear people...
Here's some more...
Now I don't quite remember which parody was done by who but we can safely say they are all my idea and I created them and all credit should go to me not Zaphod.
And finally the last in the bear-friend series...

My bear friend like to climb trees...


Astrozombie said...

This is exactly what I mean when I use the phrase "midnight Golfer".

Anonymous said...

You guys make me feel young again. Thank you.