Keep it sexy, sexy, sexy!


Have you ever wanted to be sexy? How about major sexy? Anybody ever wanted to be Brigadier General sexy? I know I have!

However for most Americans today it is becoming increasingly difficult for people to be sexy. With obesity and stupid at an all time high Americans just don't have the motivation to stay as healthy as they used to...

Fortunately there is hope on the horizon for you little boy. New Magic: The Gathering card sets are being released meaning max play time for great time gets! Of course, this has nothing to do with improving your sexy. In fact, its far from it. You will actually lose sexy levels by buying and playing this Magic: The Gathering card set...

But isn't family what Christmas is all about? Isn't it? Or is it the power hungry media corporation Jews trying to make you buy all their stuff so they get rich and spread their jewery!? I think not! Its about the love and happiness you get when you find out how little someone knows you!

Its also about watching House because Hugh Laurie is a man among men and among crippled men. And Dickholes. Them too. Anyways, House debuted on Fox on November 16 2004 and quickly became the best show on the planet. Of course shortly thereafter LOST aired and beat House to death with its giant throbbing Jesus stick...

Now lost is a special kind of show especially in the fact that it isn't a show. Its real life. Because everyone knows there is a secret island where you have to press a button ever 108 minutes to save the world... Of course they don't have to do that anymore because Charlie died because he was killed by kick-ass Mikhail or however the frack you spell his name...

Which reminds me of another show Battlestar Galactica. A show that seems to take years to finally get to the technically fourth season. I wanna know who the last of the cylons is god damnit and I want to know now! I also wanna know how Kara Thrace is gonna lead everyone to their doom... And how she came back FROM THE DEAD! That shit was crazy. Don't be a busta now! Us baller street grove OG's know what we are talking about.

Speaking of black people jargon I have recently "acquired" a copy of GTA III San Andreas and I love it to death. Shooting drug dealers and stealing cars has given me a new outlook on life. And since I'm an Impressionable Youth I enjoy imitating what I see on T.V. and play in Video Games. So I'm gonna go start a gang, get surgery to become black, steal cars, shoot people, and use violence in situations that don't normally call for it. I'm also gonna sing a song about being trapped in a closet, everyone getting aids, and pulling out my gun which I suppose is a metaphor for the current economic situation in china and the Political corruption in North Korea...


Anonymous said...

I would never take fashion advice from a nigra.