
So last Friday Zaphod and I started working on a new project. A show about 4 men stuck at the bottom ocean. Wait two men. And a beaver. And a cat.

Funny little anecdote, Zaphod improvised an amazing theme song... and then completely forgot it. So we've been wracking our brains trying to find out what exactly the words were. Its safe to say I've gone far past insanity.

N E WAYZ, its lookin' pretty sexy so far. I've been charged with exterior set design so I'll be working on that this week. I'll probably take a few progress pictures and document the making of the show and maybe I'll post it up if it turns out to be halfway decent.

Sorry for the lack of posts, buds, that is if'n you are still reading this. Whores. Sluts. Lecherous SWINE.

Here's the stats for the show:

Director: Zaphod Beeblebrox
Co-Director: FengharTheNord
Actors: Zaphod*, Fenghar, Cat**, Beaver***
Set Design: Fenghar
Writers: Zaphod, Fenghar
DP: Zaphod, Fenghar*
Gaffer: Stanly Cruster
Animal Wrangler: William Jenkinson
Music: Fenghar on the Harmonica, Zaphod on the lyrics, and Both on the Vocals
Producer: Slatfatf productions****
Stuntmen: Clevis Nagrom, Hideo Nakijima, Terrence Swillwater, Sven Taxit, Spork Mannington, Rodney Blackshoot, Tim Handcock
Fannypack Sprucer: Travis Hepling

*He might not want to act in it...
**Zaphod's puppet, Voiced by me or Zaphod (idk)
***My puppet, Voiced by me or Zaphod (again, idk)
****Name Subject to change

Also, we might sign some other people on as well...

P.S. Can't wait for House Tuesday...


Anonymous said...

You need any help with musics The Grand Bakery! has your back, nigga.