To protect the world from devastation!

To unite all people within our nation!

This is the 100th post. In it I will type 100 words starting...


Actually, no. I was just kidding about that nonsense. I wish I could do something special for you guys like show you the silly story I made out of pictures. Unfortunately this is a cruddy laptop that doesn't have the silly pictures made for the story. :Sadface: Also, the story involves shooping some of the da whooping which is wholly inappropriate for virgin eyes such as yours.


You know what is really super extra awesome fun?! Nothing. Now get the fuck out of my house you two-timing, lecherous WHORE!

Ack, this is a horrible 100th post. Hopefully the 101st will be a hilarious vlog featuring Zaphod and me but I doubt it on account of the fact that Zaphod will probably just show you to another sweet music video or talk about how much goddamn awesome games he just bought. Asshole.

Ps. I can't wait to watch house tomorrow, omgo omgo mgomg!qqq111

Pss. I'm tired of this tuberculosis! OMGOGMOGMGOds!1111

PSsSSsss!S. I'm actually very seriously considering this vlog thing and already have a outline of it all ups in mah noggins.

Also, I wanna do some comics real soon

Also Also, I just hit my funny bone AKA you lost the game.


Anonymous said...

There is more information in the ps's and also's than there is in the body of the post. Its actually a new writing technique mainly being used by idealists such as myself.

Anonymous said...

Radical idealists.


Astrozombie said...

philip is coming over to my house today, possibly for sex. Who knows...

I guess your compy got fixed.

Anonymous said...

Nein, this be a shit-tastic lappy.

Anonymous said...

My balls are being used by idealists like yourself.