
So, Saturday I finally saw "The Dark Knight" and if you haven't seen it yet you should be taken out to the edge of town and stoned. I should be taken out to the edge of town and stoned for not seeing it earlier. Anyways, it was awesome and Heath Ledger was phenomenal and Aaron Eckhart (or whatever his name is) was phenomenal as well and blah blah blah, you've probably heard this all already. See it, it was good, and there will probably be quite a few awards tacked onto Heath Ledger's grave come award-time season place.

So, now it is Monday, three days since we posted up our first podcast and we're wondering, did you like it? I know its basically an hour full of nonsense, but I think there are few funny tidbits here and there. I'm really anxious to get a few comments about it that aren't from fintron or the other passengers of the mystery van. And by that I mean the people we know IRL. So, drop me an email or something, fools. I'm dying of curiosity! And also a mild kidney failure, but that's beside the point.

So, soon it will be Friday again and hopefully, with a little help from our viewers via some sexy suggestions/questions, we'll have another podcast up, but this time it will have to do with actual real life shit and not morrowind or how we are french teenagers playing sexual games in 1970's paris.("The Dreamers" Reference - its a movie)


Astrozombie said...

love those sexual games in paris.

Movie had like 2 nude scenes, thanks ifc for tempting me with porn and then ripping it away

Anonymous said...


Also, we talked a bit about emo philips a hilarious comedian that you guys need to check out!

Also ALSO, Zaphod you oughten to make a survey for the podcast...

ALSO ALSO ALSOOOOOO, Can you tells me the username and pass for the slatfatf gmail

ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO!!!!!!!!! You guys should email suggestions, questions, and/or comments to the slatfatf gmail account, whatever it is, so's we can talk about it on our next podcast.

Anonymous said...


Johan1188 said...

Just stopping by to say heY! Free time.. I'm not getting a lot of it @dmo. Listening to the podcast is on my to-do-list and I'l hopefully be back with a opinion or 2