My Dreams

This is my dream, you can tell me about yours in the comment section.

I sit in my living room on my sofa, looking directly across the room at the windows on either side of our fireplace. As I look at them, through the blinds I can just barely see someone walking in my back yard. I become frightened and move towards the window, to get a better look. When I pull down the blind, I see a rather large man's face staring back at me, and for some reason, he resembled one of the 3 stooges in my mind. As he is looking at me, I open my mouth to scream, but nothing happens. I run back to the couch. Suddenly, something that makes no sense happens; the blinds are now on his side of the window, and he can now look at me through the blinds. Then, eventually the blinds are gone, a completely exposed window. And finally, the window is gone. He walks towards me. Right as I can see his face, I wake up.

I have had the above dream a total of 4 times. Each time, they end in the same way. The last time I had the dream, about a week ago, I tried to make it lucid. Having a lucid dream means you "know" it's a dream, and you can move around and have your own free will in the dream. I knew it was a dream when I saw the man in the backyard through the window. I tried to run to my room this time, but when I reached my door, he was there.

I feel like this dream has something to do with my weight. I'm not a morbidly obese person, but I am pretty big, and my poor health has always been a subconscious worry of mine. The man is always very large, and for some reason, I can never run from him. Yeah.

So post your dreams, and I can analyze them, although I'm not a licensed professional, I have read Freud's Interpretation of Dreams, so that's something right?


Anonymous said...

Hrmm, here's my analysis, if you don't mind(I read the preface of Freud's Interpretation of dreams, that counts for something doesn't it?). I think your dream is about penises...

Lots of them...

See the man is big because penises are big. So the man is obviously a penis. The blinds resemble a penis becoming inverted and then disappearing altogether signifying your wish to become a woman and lose your penis and then an even deeper wish to have no gender. Your room represents a penis as well, because thats where you masturbate frequently (I assume). Also, you trying to scream and nothing coming out represents your desire to be raped by penises(The screaming representing rape and the no sound representing your secret desire to let it happen). Yeah, pretty much your whole dream is a penis.

Yeah, but here is a dream I had(This is gonna be a lengthy comment). I don't know if I've had this dream more than once but its the only one I can remember(besides the one with the mask face thing chasing me) that caused me stress(There are others but I don't remember them). Basically it starts out and I'm in this house and I'm supposed to be babysitting this girl and there is the party downstairs or something and we are upstairs and she says or I say something along the lines of "let me show you a game" and she climbs into an oven(I don't know why it was there) and it turns on and I see her burn up but there is no fire her skin just starts to become charred and black and her fat and stuff burns off until she is this weird skeletal thing. She looks like a scary version of the remains they dug up in Pompeii. I think I later crawl inside with her and meet the same fate(when I woke up I started crying because of this part. It really upset me). Then after some weird dream blurrs I'm in front of this manor or large house that is apparently being assaulted or some such nonsense and I'm rolling around and have a weird sensation(I was probably just moving around in my bed) and I'm hiding from these guys with guns that are attacking the building or are attacking something coming out of the building and I'm behind these bushes and this man in a business suit has a gun and he comes up and points it at me and I say something along the lines of "I'm your friend" or "I'm on your side" and I shoot him by accident or someone else shoots him and it frightens me and I get really upset because I didn't want him to die and I'm holding him or near him as he's dying and all I remember about the scenery was that it was sandy and there was a lot of dried up weed like bushes. Then I'm inside the house and I'm up in the top left corner floating where the wall meets the ceiling and there are all these people on the ground and these weird purple red slimy leach things(Think pretty much all the scenery in Clive Barker's Jericho) and they are squirming and twitching(Silent Hill style) and I don't remember seeing or hearing all the people that were there die but I remember feeling and knowing that they had died. Then some other shit happens that I don't remember and I wake up really stressed out. There ya go, decode my Davinci for me.

Anonymous said...

Here's another dream that I had last night...

Here's what I can remember. It starts out with me and my older brother inside an old, creaky, wooden house and we are facing off against zombies(Basically the dream is telling me that I'm playing Left4Dead but its real life). The zombies look like a cross between the Left4Dead zombies and the zompires in IamLegend. Well, we are shooting at the zombies and killing 'em and whatnot with these weird shotguns that look like mini Pillars of Autumn(Halo) and to protect ourselves we go upstairs and go to a room that is shut off from all the others except for a doorway(The door frame is there, but nothing else is) so we break off the floorboards connecting us to the other rooms and it apparently protects us from the zombies(Even though the gap is so small you could step across it). There was also some other nonsense in this part of the dream where I was running outside and another bit of nonsense where I was talking to or about H.P. Lovecraft(The only reason I know the name is because of a web comic that has a character named that[he's an octopus]). Then, I guess the dream restarts and this time its with my little brother and we are using the same guns but his leg is injured/broken which makes me very anxious and worried about him. So I protect him by dragging him upstairs and doing the same break off the floorboards stuff(Even though they were supposed to be already broken). Here's a weird bit, I remember a comment my little brother said about us "Popping holes in the walls and ceiling and making them bleed/we pour blood on them(I don't remember which) and that's how we unlock the "Japanese Guns". I remember replying with like a "Yeah, the Japanese guns are the best". It was a very weird dream with only a few anxious moments(Those being the parts where my brother's leg was broken and when I was running outside and one of the times I shot a zombie).