
To the tune of "Frosted Flakes" by Lil T-cat and the home skillets

Its less than great!

Its about average!


So, I got printer ink and a cable splitter. Here is an explanation for you folk who aren't educated in the ways of "Private Chats between me and Zaphod"...

Printer Ink - Will stop making my printer act like a little bitch and whine at me instead of SCANNING THE FRACKING PIECE OF PAPER LIKE I TOLD IT TO 3 MILLION TIMES ALREADY!!! God!

Cable Splitter - Will allow me to watch and record live t.v. from the comfort of my irradiated LCD computer monitor! And also allow for teh leet hax of uploading stuff.

And now, a more personal entry written in italics(To denote its personal-ness).

Dear diary,

I am a man. I have a penis.

The end.



If you order right here, right now, YOU may be qualified* to win a free plasma screen tv! Just call five five five, zero five seven, five seven five six five, five pizza seven pizza niner oh one too, seven five eight....

five seven five...


And we might pick up**, and you might win a plasma screen tv!***

Or not****

Anyways, I'll upload a comic around "whenever" and maybe you'll enjoy it and maybe you won't. I can't guarantee anything besides a slap to your insolent little face. Also, I think I might make some kind of short film starring the honorable judge G.I. Joe. And some other guys that may or may not or may or not may be, toys and/or action figures.

Oh, and I got sleep so I'm not so "Oooh lalalala, I'm insane because I haven't slept in over 24 hours and I'm starting to slip in and out of reality lah la la lah! BLAH BLAH BLAH! BLAAAAAH!"

Also, I wanna watch The Life Aquatic really bad and right now. If you want to join me call the number that isn't listed below and be sure to bring popcorn to the address that is also not listed below...

*Probably not
**Thats not a real phone number so...Yeah, not really gonna happen
***No, you won't. Snap out of this fantasy world you live in and get real. God.


Anonymous said...

Whats up with italics and how they linger even though you tell them to go to their room without any breakfast because the pooped on the sofa, AGAIN! Jesus christ what is wrong with him. Hes fuckin 12 for christs sake. I mean SERIOUSLY! Come ON PEOPLE! WAKE UP! WAAAAKE UP!

And have it your way, at BK. ;D

Anonymous said...


Is my word verification.

Astrozombie said...

I don't have word verification... because I'm a co-owner of this here site