Video Thing...

I'm making one. With G.I. Joes and whatnot. I'm not sure what the plot should be about, but then again, I'm not sure of anything anymore. Also, I'm gonna get around to hookin up that cable splitter tonight and refilling the printer ink so I should have a comic up for you guys in the next day or so. Don't worry, it'll be all colorful with little jokes hidden in the mouse-over text and everything!

So, summer school sure is a blast. Our teacher, who may be mildly retarded, thinks its important for us to know what minuend means...

Also, she doesn't know how to go get the school calculators, so we have to bring our own.

She did do one thing semi-right. She split up the kids who are taking the class for the first time(For getting ahead purposes) from the kids who are re-taking the class. While this is nice, it is completely unnecessary. She could just not split us up and try to teach summer school like how its normally taught, which is out of the book, instead of trying to teach us all actual teacher style. The re-take kids are going through the book 1 maybe 2 sections a day, whereas the smart kids group(Me + Asian girls going into THEIR FRESHMAN YEAR HOLY CRAP, NERDS!) are going through a chapter a day...

So yeah, thats fun and all that...


Anonymous said...

I just thought of the coolest movie Idea...

Think "Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou", BUT IN SPACE!