30 things i've lied about

  1. my virginity
  2. my name
  3. my birthplace
  4. my religion
  5. my culture
  6. my home
  7. my age
  8. my sex
  9. my significant other status
  10. my friends
  11. my hair color
  12. my eye color
  13. my weight
  14. my height
  15. my penis size
  16. my grades
  17. my hygiene
  18. my movies that I know about
  19. my games that I know about
  20. my comics that I know about
  21. my music that I know about
  22. my parents
  23. my pets
  24. my living conditions
  25. my income
  26. my lack of income
  27. my employment
  28. my technical savvyness
  29. my sexual abilities
  30. my love.

Wasn't that just wonderful?
What have you lied about?