For the past few months, I've been busy with college stuff. Hey wait, don't skip this post yet. It's not another "reasons we haven't been updating" post. In fact, we are done with those posts, and I promise on my father's grave (The one that I plan to bury him in once I kill him for all the horrible pain he's put me through, THE UNEMOTIONAL HORRIDNESS CAUSED BY HIS LACK OF RESPECT AND THE SEXUAL INHIBTIONS FURTHER CREATED BY HIS INSECURITIES OF....
ahem.... woops), that we will never ever make another post with reasons why we aren't updating. Because we are updating from now on.
God damn I haven't written in this format for so long. Feels nice to get the ol' fingers moving on the shitty blogspot formatting screen with horrible column length and all. Let me get back to the purpose of this post, which if you take out all of that father stuff, is quite serious. I've been looking at tons of college stuff, and working on that. My main thing is to just keep getting higher scores on more and more standardized tests. I've achieved some really really great scores, but I'm still not satisfied. In fact, I won't be until I get at least a top 1% score on the ACT. So I picked up one of those handy dandy ACT prep books. My girlfriend hit me when she found out. She says I'm getting overly stressed about things that I don't need to be worried about. The college I'm primarily intending to go to will gladly accept a student with my credentials, but still.
Do you ever have that? A sort of drive to do better, even whenever it doesn't matter? Maybe I put too much value on my own pride. I care too much about opinions of others. For instance, I'm a compulsive liar. This entire paper has been a lie, I, in fact, have done none of the above. Guess what? That was another lie. I have done all of what I just described. I mean I've lied about lots of things. Things that don't matter. That's my next post. Hope you enjoyed reading about nothing and getting nothing out of it.
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